Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Update: East Vincent Township Planning Commission Meeting July 21, 2009

Last evening, at the East Vincent Township Planning Commission Meeting, two proposed zoning amendments were discussed.

The proposed zoning amendment for the organic composting operation, which is to be situated on the Pennhurst grounds, was approved by all Planning Commission members present. The approved proposed zoning amendment clarified that the operational hours for this composting site will be from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., limits materials allowed in the compost and the setback issues which were of concern were addressed. The Planning Commission members all felt the on-site visit to the Yost Composting Facility was enlightening and eradicated some of their concerns. Traffic and access to the site are issues that remain. Planning Commission Members Elaine Milito and Lawson McCartney were not present.

The second proposed zoning amendment was for the continuing care retirement center (CCRC). Presently, East Vincent Township does not address this use in the zoning ordinance and this leaves the township open to liability. This proposed zoning amendment is not an application to build a CCRC, but is about a zoning change to allow for conditional use of the property. Conditional Use allows East Vincent Township Supervisors to put conditions on the developer; including such items as aesthetics, density, etc. instead of the developer having free reign to do as he chooses. April Barkasi, our township engineer, addressed the concerns of residents that this proposed zoning amendment could open doors for other CCRCs in the township. Ms. Barkasi stated that under the existing zoning ordinance an Applicant can come in and propose this CCRC anywhere in the township; location can't be restricted. " 'Forced action vs. planned action' (which includes conditional use) is the goal of this proposed zoning amendment. The door is gaping open right now." Chairman Funk and Supervisor Dunphy, by voting to approve the proposed zoning amendment to move forward to the proper advisory boards (East Vincent Planning Commission, Chester County Planning Commission and the Phoenixville Regional Planning Commission), are taking a proactive stance when it comes to future development in our township as opposed to a reactive stance in which the township is vulnerable to developer demands.
One resident asked about the potential value and benefit to the township of having a CCRC in the community. Potential revenues is one. Meeting the requests of the elderly who have lived here and who would like to see the township provide something for them as they grow older so that they could stay near their family and friends, is another.
Another issue brought forth by residents included the multi-municipality plan (Phoenixville Regional Plan) and whether East Vincent Township is required to have a CCRC if there are others in the region? Ray Ott, our township planner, will be asked to address this question. Residents' concerns included traffic, size and height of the building, the depletion of the rural character in their neighborhood and the density allowed in this proposed zoning amendment as the property is zoned light-residential.
Another resident suggested that Pennhurst would be the ideal location for a CCRC of this size. He mentioned roads can be redone, viable business can be created, this facility can be showcased in this area, etc. The resident was told that the Pennhurst grounds, which are also zoned light-residential, is presently owned by a private party. A resident associated with Phoenixville Community Homes mentioned how this organization provides affordable housing and affordable senior housing (like The Bard House and The Flag House) and he felt this affordable housing could be situated in Pennhurst. Another resident suggested moving the CCRC to the PO district. The PO district is located right around the corner from the Ruth Tract and many of the same issues will be prevalent with the exception that the building will no longer be directly in this resident's view.
The resident associated with Phoenixville Community Homes insisted on getting a date certain in regard to the decision of the Planning Commission and the proposed zoning amendment. He was told since there is no scheduled Board of Supervisors' meeting for August, the Planning Commission has more leeway to review this proposed zoning amendment and may take up to 60 days to provide it's decision.
Finally, a resident who is in favor of a CCRC in our township spoke out about how she would like to stay in familiar surroundings when she, at some point, may need a facility such as this. She has lived in this area her whole life and doesn't want to leave. She respectfully asked that residents opposing a facility for the elderly stop and think about those who may need one and who would like to stay in their neighborhood. One resident, noticing all the whispering and snide remarks being made by some who oppose the CCRC in their backyard, asked that people refrain from whispering while others are speaking as it's a rude thing to do.

The next scheduled Planning Commission Meeting is Tuesday, August 18 at 7:00 p.m.
The next scheduled Board of Supervisors' Meeting is Wednesday, September 2 at 7:30 p.m.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about issues and/or proposals affecting our township. Also, please share this site with your neighbors who may be interested in what is happening in their township.

Thank You and Have A Nice Day,
The Informed East Vincent Residents Group