Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Last evening, the Planning Commission (PC) forwarded to the Board of Supervisors a Motion Recommending Preliminary Final Land Development for the Southeastern Veteran's Center. The Motion was then amended to request that the Board of Supervisors consider any improvements, such as walking trails. The spokesperson for the veteran's center expressed security concerns with having walking trails on the property. He stated "Personally, I think it's a dangerous thing," when asked why walking trails are not included in the plan. The ability of staff to keep an eye on the veterans at all times was the main concern. Presently, out of 314 veterans, 20 are capable of leaving the grounds on their own. Also, the request from the Planning Commission for a Green Roof is not an option for this facility, according to the spokesperson. Two reasons were provided to the PC for this decision and were based upon the National Fire Safety Code; the function of the building and height of the building. The Department of Health, according to the spokesperson, does not approve Green Roofs on certain commercial facilities or long-term care facilities.

The Motion to Add The Schantz Farm Acquisition to the Open Space Map, was approved. The Schantz Farm is located on Bethel Road, south of Route 23, and is situated in both East Vincent and East Coventry.

The Route 724 Corridor Scope was discussed. Ray Ott, EVT Planner addressed the Transportation Aspect, Economic Development Aspect, Recreational Aspect and Zoning Aspect of the Scope. The issue on the table is how to seek funding to put the Route 724 Scope into action. Presently there's not a lot of money, a.k.a. grants, available. Dr. Schwartz would like to see how traffic can move better from East Vincent Township into Montgomery County without going through Spring City, addressed. Mr. Herron would like to see this Planning Commission take action instead of just talking about what they would like to see done with the Rt. 724 Corridor. He feels due to lack of action, grant opportunities are being missed. In response to Mr. Herron's statement, a Motion to Adopt the Route 724 Scope was approved by the PC. The Planning Commission will meet with the Board of Supervisors and the Spring City Borough to discuss and address issues in the Route 724 Scope on December 14, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. The public is welcome to attend this meeting but will not be permitted to have any input. (Please see the post dated 3-19-09 Update of Planning Commission Meeting to see why the Informed East Vincent Residents feel this is not what we were previously told.)

Mrs. Milito asked that the Planning Commission request the Board of Supervisors to rethink the Master Plan decision with East Coventry. Chairman Funk and Supervisor Dunphy both voted "no" to using more taxpayer dollars for another park plan at this time (see post dated November 5, 2009). This Master Plan would be for the Parker Ford Tavern Area. East Vincent Township taxpayers and East Coventry Township taxpayers would each put $4,500.00 toward a PECO Green Energy Grant to have a Master Plan drawn up for the area. Mrs. Milito also requested that the Planning Commission talk to the Board of Supervisors about pulling out of the Phoenixville Regional Plan (see post dated November 5, 2009 for more information). Chair Adams said we have to be in compliance with the Phoenixville Regional Plan for a year so this issue and the Master Plan issue can all be addressed at the workshop meeting scheduled for December 14. It was also noted that the process to remove East Vincent Township from the Phoenixville Regional Plan is in effect.

One resident asked the Planning Commission to define exactly where the Route 724 Corridor is located; Point A to Point B. Is it just the area directly along Route 724? Mr. Ott stated that the Rt. 724 Corridor keeps "getting bigger and bigger and includes land on both sides of Route 724 but also includes the PO, GI and GC Districts." These districts are located along Rt. 724, Stoney Run Road, West Bridge Street, and Mennonite Road. Also, the zoning of the PO, GI and GC districts may go from single-use zoning; such as office buildings, to a mixed-use zoning which includes a mix of commercial and residential properties. These Districts were also mentioned as slated for increased residential density for the transferring of development rights (TDR) at the last PC meeting.

Residents concerned about future land use plans conceptualized by the Route 724 Corridor Scope (which includes zoning and residential density changes) are strongly encouraged to attend the December 14 workshop meeting to learn firsthand what your elected and appointed officials would like to see happen right in your own backyard.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about issues or proposals affecting our township.

Thank You and Have A Nice Day,
The Informed East Vincent Residents Group