Thursday, October 15, 2009

Update: Board of Supervisors' Meeting October 7, 2009

At the last Board of Supervisors' meeting, a Keen Road resident thanked the Board for repairing her road but questioned why the oil and chip method was used. Vice-Chair McNeil stated that "we receive a small amount of money from the state and oil and chip is used to extend the life of the road. It's common practice to oil and chip. It's the best that can be done with the measly allocation given."

The Informed East Vincent Residents would like to note at this time that we have received information that the Parker Ford Tavern Roof project is $39,391.56 over the original estimated project budget. This brings the total cost of the roof and cornice restoration project for the tavern and its kitchen wing to a grand total of $245,426.56. The explanation for these additional costs include tree removal, additional administrative costs not conveyed in the report we received and the two change orders to rebuild the west chimney and repair framing approved by Chairman Funk and Vice-Chair McNeil. Preservation of the Parkerford Tavern is a worthy cause and one that is consistent with our Township's Comprehensive Plan, but, quality road repair would also seem to be a worthwhile use of taxpayer dollars also.

Chief Demski noted that serious crimes are down, however, Honda vehicles have become the target of thieves so please remember to lock up your vehicle---especially Hondas.

Vice-Chair McNeil said the Northern Federation, which is made up of 9 municipalities, will be sending a regional survey to all households. The results should be out in the later part of this year.

Ordinance 200, Chapter 15, Part 2 15-201 amending Code regarding maximum speed limits and stop intersections, was approved. Signs have been put up on Old Schuylkill Road and Brown Drive, a yield sign at Reitnoir Road and Stoney Run Development has a three-way stop sign so families can safely walk to the playground. Pikeland Avenue now has the ordinance to enforce the speed limit.

Saul Rivkin of the Historic Commission spoke about the Historic Inventory Plan. He said Phase I of the plan would be to make contact with residents who have historic properties and create a file for each property. Supervisor Dunphy asked what Phase II would entail? Mr. Dunphy said "homeowners would like to know what you're going to do with this data." Mr. Rivkin said the "objective is not to dictate (to historic home owners)." Supervisor Dunphy, who lives in an historic home himself, offered to share data with the Historical Commission about his home. Mr. Rivkin also mentioned an upcoming program called "What is Historic Preservation?" This is to be a free event open to the public and will be announced. The Informed East Vincent Residents recall a past historic preservation open house which focused on rallying support to Preserve Pennhurst. Mr. Rivkin assured the residents last year (who expressed concern about the cost of last year's Open House and Art Exhibit and who were in attendance at the following Board of Supervisors' meeting in Oct. 2008), that all the food and beverages were donated by the Historical Commission and taxpayer dollars were not used (above what the commission has in it's allocated budget). He said he donated cookies, Elaine Husted donated brownies and lemonade, and so on. The IEVR however have documentation showing requests for reimbursement by Mr. Rivkin, Mrs. Husted and others to get their personal monies back for these "donated" refreshments and advertising costs. The East Vincent Taxpayer did provide the food, drink and advertising for the Open House and Art Exhibit dated September 12, 2008, held at the Ridge Fire Company, whether it was in the budget or not. Why say items were donated if you then ask the taxpayer to give you the money back?

East Vincent Township, utilizing the Open Space Bond Referendum and purchasing 25 (out of 26) Transfer of Development Rights, bought the Rodriguez Property, located on Seven Stars Road, for $817,300. This property is now reserved for open space and is forever deed restricted. Since this property is not on the present open space map, the acquisition will go to the Planning Commission then to the Board of Supervisors for a Public Hearing in November. A Windgate resident, commenting on Vice-Chair McNeil's comment that TDR's can be "retired, returned, held, etc." asked why the Township isn't just retiring the TDR's (and therefore limiting development). Township Solicitor Cohen said the Township is not required to. The TDR's can transfer to receiving areas (which in north of the PECO lines). Taxes paid to purchase Open Space and TDR's are not limiting development but are transferring development; such as with the Reiff Tract case." The Informed East Vincent Residents would like to note that ALL of our residents pay taxes toward the Open Space Bond Referendum, yet, if you live north of the PECO lines, only receiving areas for TDR's exist, so there will be no open space money used north of the PECO lines to preserve open space. Keep in mind too the Transfer of Development Rights/Open Space Design Option utilizing the Bonus Residential Density Multiplier Ordinance Amendment. This TDR/OSDO/ RDM Ordinance Amendment is meant to CREATE receiving areas north of the PECO lines so to increase density north of the PECO lines and preserve property in other areas of the township. This presently tabled Ordinance Amendment was approved to go forward to the Board of Supervisors (for approval) by Planning Commission members Lester Schwartz and Elaine Milito (Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of July 15, 2008). Also see the post on this blog dated August 6, 2008. The impact of this Ordinance Amendment will be felt both north and south of the power lines through higher school taxes, traffic increase, etc.

One West Bridge Street resident asked that a meeting be held with the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission to discuss a potential site for the Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC). This may be brought up at the next Planning Commission meeting on October 20. Another resident spoke of her concerns with speeding on West Bridge Street.

Supervisor Dunphy would like to look at the CCRC Ordinance, Zoning and the Route 724 Corridor in a holistic way. He would like the Planning Commission and Board to look at the big picture. He would also like to see the PO and GI districts (located on West Bridge Street, Stoney Run Road and Route 724) addressed. Vice-Chair McNeil stated that the current CCRC Ordinance, which is located in the Light Residential District and NORTH of the PECO lines, is "out of the growth zone". IEVR recall last year when Mrs. McNeil felt a CCRC on the Latshaw property was worth looking into. The Latshaw property is in the Stoney Run Watershed, south of the PECO lines and in the Rural Conservation District.

Residents located near the SFYAL ball fields asked about the status of the road closure near their homes. Vice-Chair McNeil addressed EVT Manager Ms. Flagg about what has been done. Ms. Flagg redirected the question back to Mrs. McNeil as Mrs. McNeil has been personally dealing with Scott Smiley of the SFYAL. Vice-Chair McNeil didn't address the comment other than to say she is allowed to speak with residents. Mr. Smiley is not a resident of East Vincent Township and yet EVT (Ms. Flagg and April Baraski, our township engineer) has bent over backwards to help him accomplish the goal of getting the lot line change and a driveway waiver. The impression IEVR's get is that Vice-Chair McNeil began to personally deal with Mr. Smiley during all of this and therefore there were "too many cooks in the kitchen", so to speak. Jim Burns of the Spring City Planning Commission stated that Spring City was committed to dealing with this issue. Supervisor Dunphy restated that "if this issue isn't addressed by next season, there will be no ball. It's time for the adults to step up to the plate and get this resolved." Mr. Dunphy mentioned safety issues of having almost 400 cars coming and going with only one way out. He wants the East Vincent Manager, Spring City Manager and Spring-Ford School District to address this situation and for everyone else to sit back and let these three do their job. Other issues revolving around this area involve homeowners pulling out the no parking signs and police jurisdiction at the ball field as a father and son who live near the ball field were verbally assaulted.

A resident also asked what can be done about an abandoned property on Broad and New Street. Ms. Flagg will address this.

Saul Rivkin asked if there is a procedure to cancellation of meetings. Solicitor Cohen said "no." The property owner made the request for the meeting, paid for it and had to cancel.

The Informed East Vincent Residents would like to thank all of you for your kind words of support and for taking the time to stay informed.

Please continue to feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about issues and proposals affecting our township.

Thank you and have a nice day!
The Informed East Vincent Residents Group