Saturday, February 14, 2009

Reminder: TDR/OSDO Ordinance Amendment Public Workshop on Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.

The Transfer of Development Rights/Open Space Design Option Ordinance Amendment (TDR/OSDO) public workshop meeting is being held this Wednesday, February 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the East Vincent Township Municipal Building located at 262 Ridge Road.

The Township has this meeting posted as a "zoning discussion" on the announcement board outside of the township building. Residents concerned about the shift of all major residential development north of the power lines should attend this workshop to voice your concerns and let your supervisors know that everyone in East Vincent Township will be impacted by this shift in residential density. This also includes a bonus residential density of 500+ units. The increase in density will permit town houses, apartments, cluster homes, condominiums, etc. on smaller parcels of land than the present East Vincent Township Zoning Ordinance permits. Residents on Buckwalter Road, just one example, will see a dramatic shift in residential density in their neighborhood. The impact of this density increase, or "up zone" will be directly felt by all residents in that vicinity.

The impact of this zoning change, which includes the use of a residential density multiplier to create receiving areas for TDR's, will be felt throughout East Vincent Township. Tax increases to support infrastructure and utilities, increased demand on emergency personnel, possible future storm water issues, traffic congestion throughout the township---and neighboring township roads, and tax increases to support the demand on the Owen J. Roberts School District will result in the event this TDR/OSDO Ordinance Amendment is approved.

The shift of all major residential development to one side of the township may lead to the Owen J. Roberts School District needing to redistrict to accommodate the new student population, a majority of which will be located north of the power lines in East Vincent Township. All Owen J. Robert School District taxpayers will bear the burden of supporting the increase in student population brought about by the adoption of this bonus residential density proposed by the TDR/OSDO Ordinance Amendment.

Those of us in the Informed East Vincent Residents group felt this matter was extremely important and made every effort to inform our residents, along with neighboring township residents, and now we will all have the opportunity to be involved in the discussion to stop the TDR/OSDO Ordinance Amendment.

For a history of how this TDR/OSDO Ordinance Amendment came about, please refer to past postings on this blog.

Please come out to the TDR/OSDO Ordinance Amendment Public Workshop meeting THIS Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. in the East Vincent Township Municipal Building to voice your concerns and provide your input. If ever there was a meeting to attend, please let this be the one. Please share this meeting date and time with your neighbors also.

Thank you.
Yours in a balanced East Vincent Township,
The Informed East Vincent Residents Group
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.