Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Board of Supervisors Meeting Update

Last evening, residents took advantage of the opportunity to ask two of our Board of Supervisors, Mrs. McNeil and Mr.Dunphy (Mr. Funk was not present) questions regarding the Residential Density Multiplier analysis and what effect this may have on our community. We were informed that the proposal is still being crafted and when it is complete, a workshop meeting will be held allowing all residents to attend. This workshop meeting, to be announced, will provide an open forum to discuss the Residential Density Multiplier at length and will also allow resident's voices and concerns to be heard.

Our supervisors did not deny the residential density increase (upzoning) on the northern side of Rt. 23 and Mrs. McNeil made mention of the Chester County Landscapes 2 Plan as one reason for the use of the Residential Density Multiplier. You can find more on the Landscapes 2 Plan by going to the East Vincent Township website and clicking on the Landscapes 2 link or by visiting the link on the right hand menu.

We appreciate all of the citizens who were able to come out last evening to learn more about this upzoning north of Rt. 23.

As always, please contact us with any questions and concerns.

The Informed East Vincent Residents Group